The Quran describes eight categories of people who are eligible to receive Zakah in Surah 9, verse 60. "As-Sadaqat (here it means Zakat) are only for the Fuqara and Al-Masakin and those employed to collect the (funds); and to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islam); and to free the captives; and for those in debt; and for Allah's Cause, and for the wayfarer; a duty imposed by Allah. And Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise."
1. The Poor, 2. The Needy, 3. Those employed to collect funds, 4. Those inclined towards Islam, 5. To free captives, 6. Those in debt, 7. For Allah's cause, 8. The Traveller.
The poor (Fuqara)-this refers to someone who has no income
iMacD distributes food, clothing and financial aid to the poor in our local communities in the USA.
The needy (Masakin)-this is someone who for instance, may have a job, a house and a car, but their income is below the minimum requirement.
Employees of the Zakah. This category is sub-divided into the following:
a. the group of people who are social services workers who go into the community to evaluate who is Faqeer and Miskeen.
b. those who collect the Zakah money
c. the accountant of the Zakah money
d. investors who increase the share of the Zakah
e. the clerical worker or secretary who puts the files in order
f. those who will deliver Zakah to the ones who need it
These are those people who might enter or who have already entered Islam. Anyone we feel are good friends or ours (non-Muslim or new Muslims) we give them a gift from the Zakah money.
a. for the employment of a Daiyah, Imam, or religious teachers to do Dawa
b. building Islamic schools
c. building Muslim clinics and hospitals
d. providing money to young men who want to marry but cannot afford Mahr
e. to assist poor travelers
f. to establish water springs on streets for those walking or travelers
g. to defend Muslims who are under attack
h. For television, radio or newspaper project aimed at doing Dawa
i. to help someone publish a book for Dawa
j. to pay for the studies of a student..
iMacD's goal, mission and services are targeting (5) of these eight groups of people.
iMacD's projects and programs are structured around serving their local communities here in the USA.
Zakat contributions given to iMacD will be distributed to eligible recipients here in our own communities.
Zakat funds will be used to purchase food and clothing for the poor, print 'dawah' materials, make 'dawah' videos', rent 'dawah' billboards, sponsor street 'dawah' activities, compensate iMacD's employees, programs for new Muslims and those inclined towards Islam.
Our goal in focusing our Zakat distribution to the USA is serving our Creator by serving our local communities. With the hope that iMacD's activities and visibility in the general public will decrease Islamophobia, and remove much of the ignorance, bigotry and hatred that many people have towards Muslims and Islam. Which will lead to an increase in Islamic awareness, slowly remove any doubts people have about Muslims being 'terrorists or extremists', and give non-Muslims a realistic picture of who Muslims really are, not what the media tells them. And by the will of Allah it will lead many to be inclined to accepting Islam.
iMacD firmly believes that those who donate and give their Zakat contributions should see the fruits of their generous contributions in front of their eyes, here in the USA.