Our recommended reading materials
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Why am I Muslim?
Learn about why Islam is the way of life of over 1/4 of the world's population. What led Muslims to accepting Islam? What intrigued them? What inspired them? Look inside to find out. Download your free copy today!
Learn About the Medicine of the Prophet
A compilation of forty prophetic traditions regarding medical advice and recommendations from the Prophet Muhammad. Cures for illnesses, diseases, aches, pains, headaches, stomach aches, protection from evil, etc.
If you're looking for an illustrated guide on how to make Hajj, look no further.
Learn more about your deen
Learn the Fiqh and Madthab of the Companions, the Four Imams and the Righteous Predecessors
Neighbors in Islam. Learn about the Islamic View on Neighbors and how they should be treated.
Gift it today: https://www.lulu.com/shop/faruq-post-and-faruq/neighbors-in-islam/ebook/product-e78j289.html?page=1&pageSize=4
In this uniquely compiled book. We find thirty ahadith narrated by thirty different companions. Each Hadith contains brief benefits and a short biography of the companion. Get yours today!
Take look at these books!
In a world where religious extremism often makes headlines, "The Moderate Religion" by Abu Abdur Rahman Faruq Post shines as a beacon of clarity and reason. This illuminating treatise seeks to elucidate how Islam is really a balanced, moderate, and just way of life, offering a refreshing perspective on the faith that has been misunderstood by many.
order your copy today: https://www.lulu.com/shop/faruq-post/the-moderate-religion/ebook/product-zm9m58v.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Dr. Faruq Post elaborates on the techniques and principles used by the companions, tabi'een, atbaa' tabi'een and those after them in discovering hidden defects. A Must Read for every student of knowledge.
Order yours today: https://www.lulu.com/shop/faruq-post/advanced-hadith-studies-techniques-in-researching-hidden-defects-in-prophetic-traditions/ebook/product-rmvmdj2.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Dawah Pamphlet for Halloween
Have you ever wondered what the origin of Halloween is? Why do people dress up as devils, witches and demons? Where do 'Jack O Lanterns' come from?
Enlightening Pamphlet About Celebrating the Mawlid
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