Man is inherently religious and must worship something during his sojourn on earth. If he rejects the Creator, he or she will very likely worship the creation and those creatures that inhabit it. (Money, Power, Possessions, Nature, Authority, Symbols, People and Celebrities)
The Bible refers to those who have chosen to worship the creation besides the creator and clarified some of their characteristics in Romans 1:25:
" They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen."
Our Creator loves us and created us for the purpose of worshipping Him alone. When one chooses to worship created beings then they are not doing what the creator programmed them to do. Our Creator does not like that we worship His creation, rather He wants all of our worship directed to Him alone. As He created us, provides for us, gave us life and will make us taste death. Part of showing gratitude to our creator for everything that He's given us, is revering Him, following His commandments and thanking Him by worshipping Him.
So What are the Qualities of the Magnificent Creator of this Universe
1- He is the Creator, not created.
2- He is ONE, not three or more! He has no partners nor equals.
3- He is invisible; no one can see Him in this life. He is not physically manifested or incarnated in other forms. We can see His signs in the creation.
4- He is eternal; He does not die or change, sleep, or rest. He knows everything, sees everything and His knowledge encompasses everything in the universe.
5- He does not have a mother, a wife, or a son; nor does He need anything like food, drink, or help. All of creation are in need of Him.
6-He is unique in His attributes; no one is like Him. No human or animal descriptions can be attributed to Him.
Islam teaches that after the creation of Adam, just one original heavenly message has been repeatedly delivered to mankind throughout the history of humanity via Allah’s Prophets and Messengers. "Worship the creator, not the creation"
Thus, to remind people about this message of worshipping one deity alone, many prophets and messengers including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad were sent by the only true Deity whose proper name is Allah to convey this message: The True Deity is One, Worship Him Alone.
Allah sent these major prophets as well as many other prophets and messengers to accomplish several tasks and missions, some of which are:
1)To receive guidance from Him and deliver it to the people.
2)To convey the message that Allah is One.
3)To be role models to their people.
4)To instruct their people to fear Allah, be conscious of Him, and keep his commandments.
5)To teach their followers important religious and moral tenets and worldly matters
6)To guide those who deviated, disobeyed Allah, or worshipped other gods or idols.
7)To tell people about their final destination and what leads to Paradise or Hellfire.
It is the same deity who created and sent those prophets and messengers. He is the creator of all humans, all animals, and all objects. It is this ONE TRUE deity who created the whole universe (including nature) and all it contains. He is the Creator of life, death, and life after death.
Get back to your original nature by worshipping the creator alone, whose proper name is Allah. Abandon the worship of anything and everything else created besides Him and you will find more happiness, guidance and light in your life.