A Muslim believes that his/her purpose in life is living naturally in submission to his/her creator. Those who do not believe in the One True Deity (Allah) are unable to provide any convincing reason for the existence of the universe or of human life. People who believe there is a Creator assume that creation occurred by His will. But in a world where everything is shown to have a purpose, it is natural for a human being to wonder about the purpose of his own creation. One is surely justified in expecting the Creator who put us on this earth to inform us why He did so and what He expects of us. The Quran informs us that He created us to worship Him. (Quran 51:56). Some may consider that their objective in life is to accumulate wealth, status, fulfill one's desires without limit. Muslims believe that every creature is a 'Muslim' (in submission to the Creator) in that it is programmed to obey the physical laws set by the Creator, and this is why the universe functions with balanced equilibrium. Man , however, was given a free will and the ability to either obey or disobey. Everything in existence was created with a purpose and every creature performs specific functions, and the purpose of Allah creating human beings is so that we serve Him. Man's service and worship of the Creator is not automatic like the other created beings, rather it is by his own choice and effort, and this is what entitles him to honor and reward. Are you ready to make the choice?